Tell Me How You Breathe – Premiere Performance – July 14

July 14th, 2023
6:00-7:30 pm


The Junction Dance Festival
Lyman Point Park, White River Junction
167 Maple St, White River Junction, VT 05001

Dedicated parking available on-site, by the WRJ Parks and Rec building

Talkback after the show

We are ON for our Premiere Performances!

In the face of the floods, Tell Me How You Breathe feels more relevant than ever, and we believe audiences will find healing amidst this most recent wave of climate catastrophe.

Hartford Parks and Rec has had to shut down the part of the park where we originally planned to perform, but they have been so supportive in moving the performance to a different area of the park.

Park at 171 Bridge St, White River Junction, VT 05001. “Listen Thrift Stores” is no longer a good place for handicap parking… but the new performance location is easily accessible from that the main parking lot at Hartford Parks and Rec.


BYO picnic blankets, or lawn chairs
Folding chairs available for those access needs
Port-o-potties available onsite
Rain Date: July 17

Click here for tickets

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